August 24, 2010

You're Invited!

We want to invite you into the story God is writing in Gulu -- please join us!

August 14, 2010

Gulu Friends: Esther.

Esther was one of the women who worked at our hotel in Gulu - the Pearl Afrique. She has the most beautiful servant's heart, and a smile that lights up the room. All of the girls on our trip found a special place in our hearts for her.

August 10, 2010

Gulu Friends: Alfred.

Alfred is an active member of the church in Laliya (one of the villages in Gulu), and dreams of being a doctor. Here's a picture of Alfred (in the blue) with Regan, Rusty, & Warren. Alfred's grandfather is sitting to his left and the guys are quizzing him on Alfred:

Gulu Friends: Jackson & Sylvester.

Meet Jackson & Sylvester - our amazing drivers for our 2 weeks in Uganda. (they work for Adonai Guesthouses & Tours - I highly recommend them!) Not only did they keep us safe on the roads, tie down our crazy amount of luggage on top of the vans, and give us advice and information on everything Uganda... but they became our friends and our brothers. By mid-week they were joining in on soccer games with the kids, and teaching us how to play drums in church!

Sylvester had mad luggage skills.
Jackson always had a smile on his face!

August 5, 2010

Gulu Friends: Janet

We'll be introducing you to various friends we met in Gulu to give you a broad picture of the community we fell in love with.

Meet Janet. She's a 22-year-old beautiful nurse with a huge heart. She's so smart, and is using her medical training with the Village Health Team in Laliya. {She also taught us the hip way to wear our Acholi bead necklaces.}
Here's Janet with our 2 nurses, Katie W and Sarah:

Gulu Friends: Simon Peter

We'll be introducing you to various friends we met in Gulu to give you a broad picture of the community we fell in love with.

Meet Simon Peter. His dad, Daniel, pastors one of the churches in Gulu. Simon Peter is the head of the worship and the youth programs. He's 24 years old, and a role model to many.
Here's Regan with Simon Peter in his home (a typical Acholi hut)...

August 4, 2010

Gulu Friends: Sarah

We'll be introducing you to various friends we met in Gulu to give you a broad picture of the community we fell in love with.

Meet Sarah. She is 20 years old, and is studying to be a teacher. The Midtown team that traveled to Gulu in 2008 met Sarah and knew there would be a lasting friendship. We have managed to keep up with her for the last 2 years, and it was so wonderful to reconnect on this trip! She joined our team this year and ministered right alongside us the whole time.
Here are the girls with Sarah after eating lunch in her home, and then giving Sarah G a drumming lesson...

Gulu Friends: Blazer

We'll be introducing you to various friends we met in Gulu to give you a broad picture of the community we fell in love with.

First up: "Blazer".
We gave him his nickname and immediately attached to him as soon as we saw his fancy blazer + no pants outfit. He lives in Agwee, right next to the church Geoffrey pastors.
How can you not love him?

August 3, 2010

Just the 17 of us...

Here's the whole group at the top of Murchison Falls!
ALSO - Randy update: He met with the doctor this morning, and the conclusion is that they will not have to operate, and the bones should heal on their own over the next 4 months. Praise God! Thank you for your prayers!!!

we saw what we saw.

This video helps to capture some of what we are processing.
Just replace Rwanda with Uganda :)